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Learn how anyone,
(even internet dummies)
can create “sick amounts of money”
by turning $25 into a Mega Fortune!

Infinity Downline
Can Make You Insane Amounts Of Money!

“Can $25 change your life?”

Are You Sick & Tired Of ...
systems and programs that pay peanuts or
take forever to realize a profit?

If So, Then We Have The
Ultimate Solution For You ...

How about getting 100% back with the very first person you introduce? 

Impossible you say?

Infinity Downline Can Generate
You Huge Piles Of Cash! 
Your Future Of Wealth
And Comfort Is Assured!

Now with the direct pay engine of Infinity Downline,
you introduce just one person and
you totally break even!!


 You read that right.  No admin fee.

PURE 100% Maximum Payout!

Fantastic products too that are universally accepted
and not just the typical ebooks.

There Is No Better Resource For Learning
How To Make Huge Profits!

"Infinity Downline"
Is The Premier Income Generation Site You
Need To Become Insanely Rich!

Inside this amazing site you'll find hundreds of premium audios and videos with expert ways to put your web site on auto pilot, learn online and offline marketing and computer skills.   This is just a quick look at the fantastic information and incredible secrets contained inside "Infinity Downline

Click here for a sample of the video library 
*This is a VERY SMALL  sample,  there are dozens of titles and dozens of topics including marketing, health, motivation, computer skills and more.   You will get hundreds of hours of audio and video instruction and training.


Here's a  sample of  the
Ebay Info Profits

Click here for a sample of the video library


It gives Infinity Downline a “No Brainer” effect when your referrals go to the site.  Just give your referral link and people will trip all over themselves to join.

You will have access to an ever growing library of audios and videos totaling in the hundreds of hours.  Just click and watch or listen.  These alone are worth thousands of dollars but you will have access to them for only $25. 

There is no other place to find this much valuable and powerful information.  Here is just a sampling of the amazing tidbits you'll find: Audio Library graphic below, Video Library graphic to the right.


Do You Want To Make Tons More Money?

Do You Want To Be Wealthy
And Financially Independent?

You CAN Make Insane Amounts Of Profit!

Residual Income Built In Too!

OK, I know you're probably thinking this so why not answer your questions up front?

Question: If there is no admin fee, how does the company make money?

Answer: It's what's known in business as a "loss leader".  It is a true 1OO% net member-to-member payout with no funny stuff.  We just want exposure to other services we have.  No obligation.  Don't worry, we don't hit you over the head with up sells etc.  We give a great product, system and all commissions to the members and in turn we get exposure.  It's a proven business model that makes perfect business sense.

Question: Is this real or Is this a scam? (anything similar)

Answer: I have to admit, the site is designed to be flashy and with hype and pop to it.  I understand that some people may look at that and with their initial impression get the feeling that it is one of those flash in the pan things.  However, if you refer to the above question, ID has the steak to go with the sizzle.  There is no question about that.  I call it Extreme Value.

The business model is designed to be long-term too.  We reasonably expect ID to have 2OK members very quickly and be around for years to come with eventually 1OOK members.

Question:  How good is the product and will they be updated over time?

Answer: Yes they are updated over time.  Ask yourself this... "How much is your education worth?"  The audio and video education covers dozens of topics and hundreds of hours of education which far exceeds the $25 monthly membership fee.  This is not up for debate.  We hope you join and experience them for yourself.  Many people are looking to "re-educate" themselves by learning a new trade, second income, start a new business or even a new hobby or special interest.  You can do it here.  Look at the popularity and longevity of the Video Professor series.  The market is unlimited.

A question that members ask is this...

Question:  Can I honestly make decent money with a $25 product?

Answer:  You need to think bigger picture here.  ID is designed to have a very high reorder rate.  The cost is so small and is perfect for the economy right now.  For the price of a night out with the family for pizza, you can start a business that can generate you real money.  You break even with only 1 person so it's a no brainer.  Once people get 2 people, most will not leave because they will be in profit.  Even if you have 1 active person, your education is free so why leave?  That locks in your 30 day renewals of all members on your payline.  Then just build and build and build it.  Just 1OO members is a solid $25OO every 3O days.  Most Americans would kill for that kind of money.

  You get the $25 back instantly with your first person. 

  Instant pay!  All members pay each other directly.  No going through the company.

  Residual income by getting paid $25 every 30 days from all members on your payline.

  100% pure net pay with incredible products

We have thought of everything.  We have built in a residual income into the Infinity Downline direct pay engine so that you will be receiving a never-ending stream of $25 paydays directly to your account.  It’s so simple that it’s “Stupid Easy”.

Our smart system tracks everything for you.  It tells everyone who to pay and where to pay it.  It will show the appropriate payment options chosen by every member and instantly mark people paid.  You can see your downline and even email them daily from your own back office.

It’s simply Mind-Blowing. 

OK Let’s review…

  You join for $25 (zero admin fee)

  You get access to a HUGE bank of educational tools worth hundreds of times more that what you paid. 

  You get the $25 back instantly with your first person. 

  You make serious money.

  You make residual income every 30 days. 

  Did you catch that last bullet point?  Residual income.  That's the key.  No more do you have to work and work and work and each month start all over again.  How do you think that company's  like Time Warner, Verizon, AT&T and all the other company's that make a fortune do it?  They bill you every month.  Residual income.  You build it once and keep adding to it.

  We realized this years ago and have now set the ID system up for you to capitalize on it.  We have made it available for the masses.  Imagine getting 20 members a month.  That's $500 this month.  Then get 20 the second month.  That's $500 right?  WRONG!  That's $1000 this month.  Don't forget about the first month.  Then build some more.  Get 20 more during the third month.  That's $500 right.  Ah Ha!  I can't trick you.  Now you are getting it.  It's $1500!

Let's take a look at it...

Month 1  20 X $25 =  $500 monthly
Month 2  20 X $25 =  $1000 monthly
Month 3  20 X $25 =  $1500 monthly
Month 4  20 X $25 =  $2000  monthly
Month 5  20 X $25 =  $2500 monthly
Month 6  20 X $25 =  $3000 monthly
Month 7  20 X $25 =  $3500 monthly
Month 8  20 X $25 =  $4000 monthly
Month 9  20 X $25 =  $4500 monthly
Month 10  20 X $25 = $5000 monthly
Month 11  20 X $25 = $5500 monthly
Month 12  20 X $25 = $6000 monthly

You see how it keeps building?  Not bad for a $25 program.  Then factor in all the rollups from the rollups and the income is staggering!  The income will easily dwarf what is illustrated above.

We also expect a VERY HIGH retention rate too.  Here's why...
The product will continually be added to and updated.  Think about this too...  I mentioned before that you break even with just one person.  If your members have at least on active person in their group, they break even so why would they leave?  The members are locked in.  If someone is at a break even and probably a positive cash flow, chances are very high that they will stay on board and pay you $25.

Your income will compound.  Here's why...
The reverse 2 Up System will multiply the $25 payments by geometric progression.  How?  The 2nd and 4th referrals of every member roll up to their sponsor as a training bonus thus increasing your income.  This happens over and over for these people as each in turn continue to roll up 2 for every one person you sponsor. Just one referral can easily multiply to dozens of people in no time each sending you $25 every month.  *Watch the compensation plan video from the tab on the top of this page.

This is without the doubt the most powerful program
you will find anywhere on the net.
Nothing else offers you such an easy way to masses of money!!

  Think about it this way...  For only $25 a month, it's like you are running your own network marketing program.  You don't have to spend the tens of thousands of dollars to set up and run it.  No experience needed.  In fact, the hosting is included and you do no support, training or product updates either.  Most programs cost $300 a month just to host it and up to $25,000 in software to track everything.  Your cost... $25 a month.  It's perfect!

You are now the bank!

Your Return On Investment
Will Be Truly Amazing!!

OK, I’ve seen enough!  This is irresistible.  I’m ready to get started.

This is like I have my own personal ATM! 

For only $25 every 30 days I will have access to the following:

  Complete back office tracking system.

  Send emails to my entire downline once daily.

  Get paid instantly via our Direct Pay technology.

  Access to hundreds of hours of educational videos and audios.

  The ability to make incredible amounts of money.

  Customer service taken care of for me.

  Weekly overview calls done for me.

  Weekly training webinars done for me.

  Product updates done for me.

  Weekly training webinars done for me.

  Web site hosting included.

Infinity Downline provided by Multiplex Systems, Inc POB 71 New York, NY 10028
For technical issues only please use the contact button on the top of the site.
For all other inquiries, contact your sponsor.


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